Web Home for Equipe SF - Montreal World Outgames 2006, Here We Come!


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Equipe SF Membership is Open to Everyone!

Membership in Equipe SF is completely free of charge and is open to anyone who wants to join us.  We maintain a Yahoo Group to facilitate email and message postings, as well as file storage of documents of interest to our group.
To join Equipe SF, all you need to do is go to the Yahoo Group website by clicking on the purple button below, and creating a Yahoo ID if you don't already have one (it takes just seconds).  JOIN US and together we can prepare for the 1st World Outgames Montreal 2006!

Click here to join equipesf1
Click to join equipesf1

Outgames Registered Members of Equipe SF - While membership in Equipe SF is open to everyone, we are keeping a separate list of members who have registered with Montreal Outgames 2006.  Due to privacy laws, Montreal Outgames 2006 cannot share any personal data (name, email, address, phone, etc) with us unless you have indicated on your registration form that it would be okay to do so.  Therefore, unless you write to us at EquipeSF1@yahoo.com and tell us you have registered for the Outgames, we will not know that you are interested in marching into Olympic Stadium with Equipe San Francisco at opening ceremonies... and perhaps most importantly, we will not be able to validate any group discounts, rebates and savings unless we know who you are!
If you have already registered for the Montreal Outgames and have not written to us, please send an email with your name, sport, address and phone to EquipeSF1@yahoo.com. 
Upon confirmation of your registration, you will soon afterwards receive an email to join a private Yahoo group for Outgames Registered Members of Equipe SF.
Merci beaucoup!  (That's "thanks" in French...start learning the language now!)

Contact us at EquipeSF1@yahoo.com if you have any questions!

Equipe SF 2006 - We're headed to Montreal for the 1st World Outgames!